Consciousness: Philosophical perspectives and scientific theories

In this moment, you are conscious. There is an experience of a world, of sensations, thoughts, of these words appearing in your mind. If you ingest a psychedelic, the contents of consciousness may change wildly. You may lose contact with the everyday world around you and find yourself in some previously unimaginable landscape. However, consciousness is the one thing you will take with you. As your experiences shatter and blend into each other, you may ask yourself, “Where is all of this happening?” It’s not happening “out there” in physical space, it’s happening “in here”—it’s happening in consciousness.

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James Cooke
The Anarchic Brain: How Psychedelics Change the Mind and Brain

Psychedelics alter people’s personalities, their politics, and their beliefs about the world. In 2019, the world’s most influential neuroscientist and most influential psychedelic scientist put their heads together. They decided to crack the question of how psychedelics act in the brain to alter the mind. Their conclusion? Psychedelics topple the authoritarian parts of the brain that keep competing brain states and mental states under control. This undoing temporarily creates a situation of anarchy. For people stuck in ways of seeing the world that no longer work for them, a moment’s respite from this dictatorship of the ego can be all that’s needed to create lasting, positive change.

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James Cooke
The Entropic Brain: The Neuroscience of Psychedelics States

In recent years there has been an explosion in the number of experiments on psychedelics, with hundreds of brain scans done on tripping participants—all in the name of science. While humans have always been able to experience what happens inside the mind after consuming psychedelic plants and fungi, thanks to these experiments we can finally say what is going on inside the brain. Much of this work has taken place at Imperial College in London, under the supervision of Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris. Based on that work, he has constructed a theory of how psychedelic states in the mind relate to activity in the brain: the entropic brain hypothesis.

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James Cooke
Psychopharmacology: Studying How Drugs Affect the Mind and Behavior

Psychopharmacology is what happens when chemistry meets psychology. It is the science of how psychoactive substances alter the mind. This research spans from the investigation of how naturally occurring substances alter our mental states to how human-made chemical compounds can be used to treat psychological issues. Psychopharmacology is the scientific version of plant-based shamanism. Administer a substance, observe the effects on the mind, and use what you learn to treat illness.

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James Cooke
The Altered States of America

The widespread attempts to deny the authentic emotional pain expressed in the protests mirrors pathological repression of traumatic psychological material-but only by confronting such material can transformation happen.

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James Cooke
Understanding Harm Reduction: From Set and Setting to Policy

This year millions of people will take psychedelics.  For many, this will produce entirely positive and potentially life changing experiences.  For some, however, the experience will be challenging.  The power of psychedelics to alter one’s mental state creates a situation where a vast range of outcomes are possible, depending on one’s set and setting – from transformative healing to intoxicated accidents.  For anyone who turns to psychedelics, one concept in particular should be at the forefront of their minds: harm reduction.

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James Cooke